- 2984 : English Alphabet / 5332 : Where are you from?
- 2984 : English Alphabet / 4717 : Can you please spell your name?
- 2985 : Understanding Numbers / 5328 : Hello!
- 2985 : Understanding Numbers / 5344 : How old are you?
- 2985 : Understanding Numbers / 4686 : What's your phone number?
- 2986 : Telling Time / 5356 : What time is it?
- 2986 : Telling Time / 4464 : What time do you eat lunch?
- 2987 : Dates & Numbers / 5370 : I'm going to go to Brazil in April.
- 2987 : Dates & Numbers / 4732 : Today is the first day of fall!
- 2988 : The verb 'To be' present tense / 4319 : (A1) I'm American.
- 2988 : The verb 'To be' present tense / 5329 : What's your job?
- 2988 : The verb 'To be' present tense / 5336 : Are they your friends?
- 2988 : The verb 'To be' present tense / 4681 : He's a police officer in London.
- 2989 : The verb 'to have' in the present tense / 5337 : I have seven pens.
- 2989 : The verb 'to have' in the present tense / 4718 : He has a big office with a window.
- 2990 : The verb 'to have' in the present tense - Interrogative / 5338 : He has ten keys.
- 2990 : The verb 'to have' in the present tense - Interrogative / 4441 : Do you have a pen?
- 2991 : Can - ability / 4733 : I can speak Japanese.
- 2992 : Can - permission / 4734 : We can't make personal calls.
- 2993 : Present simple - 3rd person / 5350 : He always works on Monday afternoon.
- 2993 : Present simple - 3rd person / 4719 : We play tennis on the weekend.
- 2994 : Present Simple Questions and Frequency Adverbs / 4465 : Do you always take a shower in the morning?
- 2996 : Describing people / 4625 : She has short hair.
- 2998 : Giving Directions / 4682 : The coffee shop is on the left.
- 2999 : Dimensions / 5206 : What would you like the width to be?
- 3000 : Making a hotel reservation / 4323 : (A2) I'd like to make a reservation.
- 3000 : Making a hotel reservation / 4851 : A single or a double?
- 3001 : Simple Telephone Calls / 4440 : Could I speak to your manager?
- 3002 : Taking a message on the Telephone / 4905 : May I ask who's calling?
- 3003 : Leaving a message / 4615 : Can I leave a message, please?
- 3004 : Telephone Language (getting through) / 4913 : I'll let you know.
- 3005 : Giving and Understanding Directions / 4724 : Don't ignore the traffic lights.
- 3006 : Ordinal Numbers / 4702 : Half of the company works on the third floor.
- 3007 : Correcting Information / 4931 : I ordered 40 boxes this morning.
- 3008 : Making flight/train reservations / 4627 : I'd like to reserve a flight.
- 3009 : Present Continuous / 5364 : Are you okay?
- 3009 : Present Continuous / 4742 : It's raining.
- 3010 : Present simple v. Present continuous / 4803 : Sales are going up.
- 3011 : Some/any/no / 4735 : There aren't any envelopes.
- 3012 : How much/How Many / 5361 : How much is that?
- 3012 : How much/How Many / 4438 : How many people are there?
- 3013 : Possessive Adjectives / 5341 : What's your address?
- 3013 : Possessive Adjectives / 4466 : My daughter's horse.
- 3015 : Articles and Demonstratives / 4738 : I need those scissors.
- 3016 : Past simple - to be / regular verbs / 4468 : Last month we were on vacation.
- 3017 : Past Simple Irregular verbs / 4425 : I bought a new cell phone yesterday.
- 3018 : Past Simple 3 / 4469 : Who did you invite to dinner?
- 3019 : Making Comparisons / 4646 : This project is more interesting than the last one.
- 3020 : Food and International Cuisine / 4427 : I love spicy food.
- 3021 : Understanding a Menu / 5362 : Would you like tea or coffee?
- 3021 : Understanding a Menu / 4900 : I'd like the fish.
- 3432 : A lot/a few/much/many / 4443 : I have a few chocolate bars.
- 3438 : There is and There are / 5334 : There is one chair.
- 3438 : There is and There are / 4683 : Upstairs there are two bedrooms, and downstairs there is a kitchen.
- 3439 : The weather / 5367 : I am eating at a restaurant today.
- 3439 : The weather / 4684 : It usually snows in winter, but it isn't snowing at the moment.
- 3446 : Present Simple - Irregular verbs / 4685 : I have an appointment with Ms. Young at 10:30 a.m.
- 3795 : Telephone Numbers / 5340 : What's your telephone number?
- 3795 : Telephone Numbers / 4727 : Do you have a new number?
- 3796 : Telling the time / 4687 : The bank opens at nine o’clock
- 3797 : Saying the date / 4700 : Today is January 2.
- 3798 : To be / have / 4736 : She's very intelligent.
- 3799 : Can (ability and permission) / 4739 : She can play the guitar.
- 3800 : Present simple- use of the first person / 5347 : She sees her family on Sunday.
- 3800 : Present simple- use of the first person / 4439 : I live in Brooklyn.
- 3801 : Present simple-go through the conjugation / 4429 : Sometimes she surfs the Internet.
- 3802 : Present simple-Do auxiliary and wh questions / 5358 : Do you like coffee?
- 3802 : Present simple-Do auxiliary and wh questions / 4689 : What city do you live in?
- 3804 : Adverbs of frequency-always, sometimes, never / 4437 : We usually eat out on the weekend.
- 5859 : Hi, my name is Nora! / 4357 : Hi, my name is Nora!
- 5860 : Is there a post office near here? / 4359 : Is there a post office near here?
- 5861 : This is a nice store! / 4361 : This is a nice store!
- 5862 : How much is this? / 4363 : How much is this?
- 5863 : I like coffee with milk. / 5360 : Can I have three oranges, please?
- 5863 : I like coffee with milk. / 4365 : I like coffee with milk.
- 5864 : You have a beautiful dress! / 5368 : He is wearing glasses.
- 5864 : You have a beautiful dress! / 4367 : You have a beautiful dress!
- 5865 : What do you do? / 5330 : They are students.
- 5865 : What do you do? / 4345 : What do you do?
- 5866 : She gets up early! / 5353 : My daughter goes to the park on the weekend.
- 5866 : She gets up early! / 4347 : She gets up early!
- 5867 : What are your hobbies? / 4349 : What are your hobbies?
- 5868 : Where do you live? / 5348 : Sometimes, I write emails on the weekends.
- 5868 : Where do you live? / 4351 : Where do you live?
- 5869 : I love to ride my bike! / 4353 : I love to ride my bike!
- 5870 : This is my son. / 4355 : This is my son.
- 5871 : She is taller than me. / 4407 : She is taller than me.
- 5872 : What's the weather like? / 4389 : What's the weather like?
- 5873 : Take a left. / 4474 : Take a left.
- 5874 : I'm going to visit New York. / 5373 : I'm going to take a vacation in October.
- 5874 : I'm going to visit New York. / 4393 : I'm going to visit New York.
- 5875 : I'd like a one-way ticket to San Francisco. / 4396 : I'd like a one-way ticket to San Francisco.
- 5876 : Last year, I went to Hawaii. / 4398 : Last year I went to Hawaii.
- 5877 : What were you doing at 9:00 p.m. last night? / 4329 : What were you doing at 9:00 p.m. last night?
- 5878 : I used to have less fun! / 4341 : I used to have less fun.
- 5879 : Tell me about your trip. / 4332 : Tell me about your trip.
- 5880 : He told me that he'd been robbed. / 4334 : He told me that he'd been robbed
- 5881 : If you book the venue, I’ll send the invitations! / 4343 : If you reserve the venue, I'll send the invitations.
- 5882 : Will our cities be greener in the future? / 4338 : Will our cities be greener in the future?
- 5883 : So, what do you do? / 4374 : So, what do you do?
- 5884 : The world is more connected today. / 4369 : The world is more connected today.
- 5885 : Help! What should I do? / 4336 : Help! What should I do?
- 5886 : I’m a people person! / 4372 : I'm a people person!
- 5887 : If you ask me, it's a good idea. / 4339 : If you ask me, it's a good idea.
- 5888 : My perfect life would be… / 4331 : My perfect life would be...
- 5962 : Nice to meet you. / 5331 : What's your nationality?
- 5962 : Nice to meet you. / 4358 : Nice to meet you.
- 5963 : Is there a subway station? / 4360 : Is there a subway station?
- 5964 : This is an office supply store. / 4362 : These are our office supplies.
- 5965 : How much is this office chair? / 4364 : How much is this tie?
- 5966 : I have pasta for lunch. / 5359 : This is an orange.
- 5966 : I have pasta for lunch. / 4366 : I have pasta for lunch.
- 5967 : Luke has a blue suit. / 4368 : Luke has a black suit.
- 5968 : I work in sales. / 4346 : I work in sales.
- 5969 : Half past seven in the morning. / 4348 : Half past seven in the morning.
- 5970 : I can speak French. / 5346 : I can speak English.
- 5970 : I can speak French. / 4350 : I can speak French.
- 5971 : Where do you work? / 4352 : Where do you work?
- 5972 : I like to go horseback riding after work. / 5349 : I don't read books. I exercise.
- 5972 : I like to go horseback riding after work. / 4354 : I like to go horseback riding after work.
- 5973 : This is my husband. / 5335 : This is my family.
- 5973 : This is my husband. / 4356 : This is my husband.
- 5974 : She is more organized than me. / 5342 : I have blue eyes.
- 5974 : She is more organized than me. / 4388 : She is more organized than me.
- 5975 : It's sunny and warm here. / 5365 : What's the weather like?
- 5975 : It's sunny and warm here. / 4390 : It's warm and sunny here.
- 5976 : Go straight ahead. / 4392 : Go straight ahead.
- 5977 : The company is going to pay for our hotel. / 4394 : The company is going to pay for our hotel.
- 5978 : I'd like a round-trip ticket to Mumbai. / 4408 : I'd like a round-trip ticket to Mumbai.
- 5979 : Last year’s conference was in Dublin. / 4399 : Last year's conference was in Dublin.
- 6087 : He reads the newspaper everyday. / 4628 : He reads the newspaper every day.
- 6088 : We need some things for the office. / 4630 : We need some things for the house.
- 6089 : He's traveling to Indonesia. / 4632 : He's traveling to Indonesia.
- 6090 : I will send you a postcard. / 4633 : I will send a postcard.
- 6091 : Hong Kong is a big city. / 4641 : Hong Kong is a big city.
- 6092 : I have football practice today. / 4395 : I have football practice today.
- 6093 : Go to the doctor! / 4402 : Go to the doctor!
- 6094 : I enjoy spending time with my family. / 4405 : I enjoy spending time with my family.
- 6095 : I recently graduated from university. / 4410 : I recently graduated from university.
- 6096 : What were you doing last night? / 4413 : What were you doing last night?
- 6097 : I've known Mark for 2 years. / 4636 : I've known Mark for two years.
- 6098 : You must be on time. / 4409 : You must be on time.
- 6099 : Can I get extra cheese on that? / 4657 : Can I get extra cheese on that?
- 6100 : We might eat turkey for Thanksgiving. / 4659 : We might eat turkey for Thanksgiving.
- 6101 : I work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / 4626 : I work from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- 6102 : Is there any paper? / 4631 : Is there any paper?
- 6103 : Your plane leaves on Monday. / 4544 : Your plane leaves on Monday.
- 6104 : I'll be there on business. / 4635 : I'll be there on business.
- 6105 : I work in the financial district. / 4545 : I work in the financial district.
- 6106 : My co-workers are really athletic. / 4401 : My coworkers are really athletic.
- 6107 : Take the day off, please. / 4403 : Take the day off, please.
- 6108 : Are you nervous about presenting today? / 4406 : Are you nervous about presenting today?
- 6109 : I used to work there. / 4412 : I used to work there.
- 6110 : I was interviewing over the phone. / 4414 : I was interviewing the candidate over the phone.
- 6111 : Have you met the employees? / 4539 : Have you met the new employees?
- 6112 : We should take a break. / 4655 : We should take a break.
- 6113 : Could we see a menu? / 4658 : Could we see a menu?
- 6114 : Happy New Year! / 4660 : Happy New Year!
- 6115 : As far as I’m concerned, we should change everything! / 4692 : As far as I'm concerned, we should change everything!
- 6116 : Honestly, the scenery was absolutely stunning / 4648 : Honestly, the scenery was absolutely stunning.
- 6117 : It can do practically everything! / 4679 : It can do practically everything!
- 6118 : My house was broken into last night. / 4551 : My house was broken into last night.
- 6119 : If I had moved, I would have a yard now. / 4590 : If I had moved, I would have a yard now.
- 6120 : I wish I hadn't done it. / 4560 : I wish I hadn't done it.
- 6121 : What will be happening in 2050? / 4557 : What will be happening in 2050?
- 6122 : She said that there had been a scandal. / 4554 : She said that there had been a scandal.
- 6124 : As far as I am concerned it’s time to renovate! / 4701 : As far as I am concerned, it's time to renovate.
- 6125 : Unfortunately, their range of products was completely outdated. / 4644 : Unfortunately, their range of products was completely outdated.
- 6126 : It has all the latest features! / 4680 : It has all the latest features!
- 6127 : My office was broken into last night / 4550 : My office was broken into last night.
- 6128 : If I could have chosen, I would work in the city center / 4645 : If I could have chosen, I would be working downtown.
- 6129 : I wish I had taken the job. / 4559 : I wish I had taken the job.
- 6130 : How will the business have changed by next year? / 4555 : How will the business have changed by next year?
- 6131 : He said that it was front page news. / 4552 : He said that it was front page news.
- 6318 : Joe is a manager. / 4435 : Joe is a manager.
- 6322 : We need to weigh up the pros and cons. / 4704 : We need to weigh up the pros and cons.
- 3441 : Tutorial Lesson - beginner / 5355 : The movie theater is always open in the evening.
- 3441 : Tutorial Lesson - beginner / 4720 : Our train leaves at 1:30 p.m.
- 3803 : Adverbs of frequency-asking questions / 4737 : I always cook dinner.
- 2995 : Present Simple & WH questions / 5374 : Where are you going to go on vacation?
- 2995 : Present Simple & WH questions / 4436 : About you!
- 2997 : Sales / 4848 : How much money did you make last year?
- 3014 : Possessive Pronouns / 4744 : That stapler is mine.
- 3350 : Hello, how are you? / 4806 : Paul specializes in marketing.
- 3350 : Hello, how are you? / 4470 : Hello, how are you?
- 3421 : Let's / Shall / 4616 : Let's take the train to London.
- 3422 : Expressing Necessity / 4766 : I need to check the security camera.
- 3423 : The passive / 5201 : We were robbed.
- 3424 : Modals / 4546 : What should I do?
- 3428 : Asking for clarification / 4624 : Can you repeat that, please?
- 3437 : Reflexive Pronouns / 4725 : Do you work by yourself?
- 3516 : Past simple 3-1 / 4741 : When did you move to Chicago?
- 3517 : Maps and guides / 4653 : We took a day-trip to the mountains.
- 3518 : A night out / 4617 : I went to a fantastic new restaurant.
- 3519 : On the tour bus / 4849 : Let's go sightseeing.
- 3520 : Questionnaire : Holiday Plans / 4860 : Could I have a moment of your time?
- 3521 : Leisure time / 4614 : Do you like snowboarding?
- 3522 : Spelling - Practicing pronunciation / 4726 : Are you a new customer?
- 3523 : Asking for information-polite questions / 4808 : Can you tell me whether the museum is open?
- 3524 : Hotel personnel 1 / 4833 : The chef suggests an onion soup to start.
- 3525 : On the menu / 4444 : We'd like the bill.
- 3526 : Basic hotel terms / 4618 : Do you have a reservation?
- 3527 : Pres. continuous / pres.simple / past simple / 4786 : I'm reading an interesting book.
- 3528 : Future: will / 4844 : I think we'll make a profit.
- 3529 : Preposition practice: time, place and motion / 4434 : He works in the city.
- 3530 : Making Comparisons / 4721 : I'm the funniest person in the office.
- 3794 : The pronunciation of the English alphabet / 4722 : I saw the doctor yesterday.
- 3805 : Giving personal information / 4423 : I work in an office.
- 3806 : Asking for personal information / 4471 : What's your address?
- 3807 : Describing yourself and others / 5343 : Does he have green eyes?
- 3807 : Describing yourself and others / 4728 : Is he tall and dark?
- 3808 : Sales and orders / 5252 : I would like to place an order.
- 3809 : Fractions and percentages / 4934 : A quarter of my salary goes to household bills.
- 3810 : Train and plane schedules / 4690 : My plane arrives in Denver at eight o'clock.
- 3811 : Arranging travel and accommodation 1-1 / 4693 : Could you send me a confirmation email, please?
- 3812 : Giving and receiving instructions / 4433 : Mix the eggs and milk together.
- 3814 : Entertainment / 5371 : He's going to visit an exhibition.
- 3814 : Entertainment / 4424 : I want to go out tonight.
- 3815 : Directions / 4729 : How do I get to the theater?
- 3816 : Arranging travel and accommodation 2-1 / 4804 : We have never been to Hawaii.
- 3817 : E-mail / 4583 : Pls cc me on that ASAP.
- 3818 : Asking for information-questions about place, time... / 4432 : Where is her office?
- 3819 : Dates and times / 4694 : It's ten to ten in the evening.
- 3821 : Dimensions / 4908 : How high is it?
- 3822 : Taking and giving telephone messages / 4856 : Postpone the meeting until next week.
- 3824 : Giving directions / 4703 : Excuse me, how do I get to the town hall?
- 3825 : Reservations / 4445 : How much is a single room?
- 3826 : Hotel personnel 2 / 4695 : We all work in a hotel.
- 3827 : Hotel Rates / 4912 : Does that include Internet?
- 3828 : Introducing yourself / 4426 : It's nice to meet you.
- 3829 : Simple telephone calls in English / 4841 : Please hold.
- 3830 : Telephone Language (leaving and taking a message) / 4916 : John speaking. How can I help you?
- 3831 : Telephone Language (getting through) / 4839 : I can't get through.
- 3832 : Telephone-some typical expressions / 4907 : Can you give me his cell phone number?
- 3834 : Offering and requesting / 4917 : May I join you at the restaurant?
- 3835 : Giving and understanding directions / 5354 : Where is the train station?
- 3835 : Giving and understanding directions / 4696 : Turn right on York Street.
- 3837 : Telephone-interrupting / 4903 : Sorry, I didn't catch your name.
- 3838 : Exchange rates & tel. no's / 4697 : Ten pounds is sixteen dollars.
- 3839 : Large Numbers / 4428 : I have a million dollars.
- 3840 : Cardinal and ordinal / 4691 : How much are tickets?
- 3841 : Describing Objects / 4911 : What features does it have?
- 3843 : Correcting information / 4928 : I'm afraid that's not correct.
- 3844 : Making requests / 4834 : Could I have another cookie, please?
- 3845 : Requesting action and responding / 4919 : Could you call me after the meeting?
- 3846 : Making appointments / 4906 : Are you available to meet at noon?
- 3848 : Taking reservations / 4914 : How may I help you?
- 3849 : Present simple & adverbs of frequency / 4619 : We always go to the gym on Thursdays.
- 3850 : Present continuous / 4430 : Is it snowing?
- 3852 : Present simple and present continuous / 5366 : Are you watching television?
- 3852 : Present simple and present continuous / 4460 : What are you doing now?
- 3853 : Prepositions: place and motion / 5352 : The bag is on the chair.
- 3853 : Prepositions: place and motion / 4698 : I'm on the bus going to the mall.
- 3854 : Some, any, no / 4731 : Somebody made a cake?
- 3855 : How much? How many? / 4547 : We didn't have much time.
- 3856 : Questions about quantity / 4699 : How many guests did you invite to the party?
- 3857 : Possessive adjectives / 4463 : It's my laptop.
- 3858 : Possessive pronouns / 4783 : Is this yours?
- 3859 : The articles / 4723 : Did you try the new pizza place?
- 3860 : Past simple 1-1 / 4431 : We went to the movies.
- 3861 : Reservations (vocabulary) / 4859 : A suite with an oceanfront view.
- 3862 : Telling stories about staying in a hotel / 4807 : How was your stay?
- 2445 : Past simple 3-1
- 2908 : Making an appointment to open an account / 4457 : I'd like to speak to the bank manager.
- 2909 : Making an appointment to get a loan / 5172 : I'd like to take out a loan.
- 2910 : Lost Bank card / 4926 : We'’ll order your new card today.
- 2911 : Renewing a chequebook / 5158 : What do I have to do to get a new checkbook?
- 2912 : Enquiries about branch locations / 5152 : I'd like to change my branch.
- 2913 : Card taken by a cash machine / 5141 : My bank card was eaten!
- 2914 : Transferring money from an overseas account / 5160 : Where is the money being sent?
- 2915 : Transferring money to an overseas account / 5161 : A money order or a wire transfer?
- 2916 : Cashing travellers cheques / 5167 : You have to sign the traveler’s check in front of the cashier.
- 2917 : Obtaining travellers cheques / 5168 : What were you doing when you lost your traveler’s checks?
- 2918 : Withdrawing money / 5148 : You have to fill out this form to withdraw cash.
- 2919 : Depositing money / 5144 : Once the check is deposited, you can transfer the money.
- 2920 : Collecting a new bank card / 5146 : My bank card will arrive soon, won’t it?
- 2922 : Back Office problem with foreign bank / 4932 : Have you contacted the settlement department?
- 2923 : Enquiry about stolen Credit Card / 5169 : How long does it take to cancel a bank card?
- 2924 : Foreign Card not working in Cash Machine / 5170 : How much money will you be needing?
- 2948 : Choosing Transportation for your goods / 5151 : Shipments by air arrive more quickly than shipments by sea.
- 2965 : INCOTERMS
- 2966 : Documents of a letter of credit / 5191 : What documentation do I need?
- 2967 : Shipping Costs / 5182 : What shipping rate should I choose?
- 2968 : Letter of Apology / 4935 : I'm writing to apologize.
- 2976 : Parts of a Business Letter / 4925 : Dear Mr. Andrews
- 2977 : Countries and Currencies / 4910 : England uses the British pound.
- 2978 : Letter of Complaint / 4897 : I am writing to complain about an order.
- 2979 : Looking at Figures & Forecasting / 5155 : The newer a business is, the harder it is to do forecasting.
- 2980 : Priority Payments / 5188 : How do priority payments work?
- 2981 : Terms found in a business letter / 5171 : We are unable to complete your request at this time.
- 2982 : Use of Currencies / 5147 : The euro has strengthened against the dollar.
- 2983 : Issuing a Claim / 5189 : We’ve been sending SWIFT messages for years.
- 3036 : Antivirus / 5253 : You should install anti-virus software!
- 3054 : Chat / 5256 : Hey Nancy, I’m gr8, U?
- 3057 : Excel / 5250 : Use the fill handle to copy the date from cells B1 to B19.
- 3059 : Printers / 4898 : Oh, no! Not another paper jam!
- 3060 : Search Engines / 5193 : Let’s Google it.
- 3061 : Word / 5217 : First off, select the text.
- 3065 : Web Browsers / 4922 : I'll change my settings.
- 3066 : Social Networking / 4542 : A troll left a comment on my blog.
- 3068 : Email / 4541 : If you tell me your address, I can email you.
- 3069 : Powerpoint / 5204 : The slideshow presentation had some great visual aids.
- 3074 : Help Desk / 5205 : My computer hasn’t been working properly.
- 3443 : Tutorial Lesson - elementary
- 3488 : Maid Services / 5196 : I'll change the sheets now.
- 3813 : Making appointments / 4688 : Can I make an appointment?
- 3820 : Going shopping / 4909 : Where can I find the frozen food aisle?
- 3823 : Ordering stock / 4843 : Could I have your shipping address?
- 3836 : Service / 4553 : Could you please repeat the room number?
- 3842 : Asking for information (the importance of intonation) / 4730 : Could you recommend a hotel?
- 3851 : Present continuous (future action) / 4584 : Our company is moving to Toronto next month.
- 717 : Making comparisons 2
- 3332 : Making travel arrangements 1-2 / 4419 : Could I make a reservation?
- 3333 : Making travel arrangements 2-2 / 4447 : She's going to pick up the rental car this evening.
- 3334 : Ordering goods / 5247 : We seem to be short on printer ink.
- 3335 : Memos / 5208 : Norm wrote the memo while the rest of us went to lunch.
- 3336 : At the bank / 4915 : Can I withdraw money from the ATM?
- 3337 : Dealing with stock / 5221 : I’m running really low on stock.
- 3338 : Shopping / 4421 : What do we need from the supermarket?
- 3339 : Car hire / 4790 : Could you tell me what kind of cars you have?
- 3340 : E-mail-reading and writing / 5248 : We would like to thank you for your time and effort.
- 3341 : E-mail-understanding / 4809 : Tlk to you nxt wk during the mtg
- 3342 : Personnel: the job interview / 4863 : I have been working for my current company for one year.
- 3343 : Presenting / selling a product / 5223 : Could I talk to you about our special offers today?
- 3344 : At hotel reception / 4870 : Why is the spa closed?
- 3345 : Describing equipment (ordering our description) / 5224 : It’s in all good hardware stores right now.
- 3346 : Describing equipment (exercises to practice) / 4585 : It has a touch screen.
- 3347 : Food / 5232 : There was so much to choose from on the menu.
- 3348 : Restaurants and menus / 4385 : They are all mouthwatering!
- 3349 : Prepared to your taste / 4462 : I'd like my eggs sunny side up, please.
- 3351 : Hotel quality / 4798 : Could you tell me whether there's a Jacuzzi in the bathroom?
- 3352 : Agreeing and disagreeing / 4535 : I'm afraid I have to disagree with you.
- 3425 : Presentation structure
- 3426 : Bargaining / 4947 : We'd like to know if you would be willing to lower the price.
- 3427 : Figuring it out: graph,increase and decrease / 4892 : Numbers peaked at 90%.
- 3429 : Figuring it out: describing graphs / 4893 : From the chart you can see there has been an increase.
- 3430 : Complaining / 4416 : I would like to make a complaint.
- 3431 : Cause and effect / 4446 : Let's hope that results in more money coming through the door!
- 3433 : Conjunctions and Discussing Service / 4858 : Your order was sent yesterday.
- 3434 : Expressing Doubt / 4866 : It's pretty unlikely.
- 3435 : Explaining Procedures / 4869 : All departments ought to follow safety regulations.
- 3436 : Talking about Figures
- 3440 : Product features and benefits / 4473 : Take a look at our range of products.
- 3444 : Language learning / 4976 : What would you say my level of English is?
- 3447 : The English speaking world / 4452 : English is an official language in over 75 countries.
- 3448 : English Language press / 5000 : Read all about it!
- 3449 : Making presentations (structuring a presentation) / 5264 : A presentation has very distinct parts.
- 3450 : Personnel: preparing for a job interview / 5245 : Tell me about your work experience.
- 3451 : Answering mail-answering business letters / 5173 : Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
- 3452 : Answering mail-key phrases for business letters / 5219 : Thank you for your letter.
- 3453 : Telephone language (review) / 4418 : Give me a call this afternoon.
- 3454 : Telephone Language 1-2 / 5225 : Who is calling, please?
- 3455 : Leaving a message/offering to call back s.o. back / 4895 : Please tell her that it's urgent.
- 3456 : Taking/leaving messages / 5227 : Would you like to leave a message?
- 3457 : Checking/clarifying/correcting on the phone / 4847 : Could you spell that, please?
- 3458 : Asking for information / 4789 : Would you mind telling me where the station is?
- 3459 : Saying thank you / 4461 : Thanks a million!
- 3460 : Greeting visitors / 4458 : It's great to meet you finally!
- 3461 : Accepting or declining invitations / 4853 : Would you like to join us?
- 3462 : Giving an opinion / 4459 : I completely agree, 100%!
- 3463 : Checking information (question forms) / 5228 : I didn't catch that. Could you speak up, please?
- 3464 : Apologising / 4852 : I'm very sorry.
- 3465 : Making suggestions / 4924 : Where shall we meet?
- 3466 : Giving instructions / 5263 : Don’t forget to present the objectives.
- 3467 : Filling in forms (expenses sheet) / 5249 : We need all your receipts by the deadline.
- 3468 : Introducing oneself / 4873 : It's a pleasure to meet you.
- 3469 : Work and leisure / 5230 : What free-time activities do you do?
- 3470 : Work and family / 4453 : I leave the house at 8:30 a.m.
- 3471 : Work and environment / 5251 : My new office has excellent facilities.
- 3474 : Commuting / 4417 : Have you thought about trying to get to work a different way?
- 3475 : Meetings: Information exchange / 5262 : The purpose of this meeting is to discuss sales.
- 3476 : Making meetings productive / 4422 : Can you elaborate on that?
- 3483 : Social English-introduction / 4854 : Let's seal the deal.
- 3484 : Social English-a variety of social situations / 5265 : Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.
- 3491 : Expressing preference / 4857 : I prefer going out.
- 3492 : Making requests and expressing preference / 4923 : Would you like to come skiing in the morning?
- 3493 : Saying goodbye / 4896 : TEST - Caroline
- 3493 : Saying goodbye / 4899 : Have a nice weekend!
- 3494 : Music / 4767 : Do you like classical music?
- 3495 : Newspapers / 4805 : I've read all about it in the morning paper.
- 3496 : Housing / 4812 : A modern, terraced, three-story townhouse with a yard.
- 3497 : British Education System / 4846 : My son goes to Plantsbrook school.
- 3498 : In and around town / 4384 : Tell me about where you live.
- 3499 : Television / 4621 : I'd rather watch a soap opera than a reality TV show.
- 3500 : Entertainment / 4864 : I find the opera boring.
- 3501 : Hobbies / 4871 : Painting is a hobby of mine.
- 3502 : Reading / 4933 : Have you read any thrillers recently?
- 3503 : Do it yourself / 5084 : Why don't we do it ourselves?
- 3504 : Individual liberty / 4878 : Are there limits to freedom?
- 3505 : Character Description / 4799 : I am very meticulous and articulate.
- 3506 : Transportation / 5233 : Would you rather take the subway or drive?
- 3507 : Sport / 4840 : They have won every game this year.
- 3508 : Can, could, may, might / 4902 : I might not make it to the meeting.
- 3509 : The future / 5372 : Are you going to go to the beach in July?
- 3509 : The future / 4629 : Are you going to have a big party?
- 3511 : For, since ago / 4450 : How long have you lived here?
- 3512 : Present perfect / 4623 : Have you ever been to Canada?
- 3513 : Present perfect continuous / 4795 : I've been playing golf professionally for nearly five years.
- 3514 : Present perfect and present perfect continuous / 4815 : We've been working on the project for months, but we haven't finished it yet.
- 3531 : Showing visitors around / 4386 : I will introduce you to some of my staff and colleagues.
- 3604 : Changing money / 5234 : Welcome to the currency exchange office. How can I help you?
- 3605 : Making comparisons 1 / 4768 : Philip has the most experience.
- 3606 : The second conditional / 4451 : If I won 100 million dollars...
- 3607 : Fashion / 4868 : You look sharp!
- 3608 : Entertaining Visitors / 4832 : Could you make a dinner reservation?
- 3609 : Letters and faxes / 4420 : I'm writing in response to your email.
- 3610 : Telephone: recap / 5240 : Ms. Thompson's line is busy. Do you want to hold?
- 3611 : Setting up meetings / 5229 : My morning is booked up, but I am free after lunch.
- 3612 : Negotiating / 4894 : Does that seem acceptable to you?
- 3613 : Planes and boats and trains / 4448 : I'd rather have a window seat, please.
- 3614 : Arranging accommodation / 4865 : Could I have your credit card information?
- 3615 : Renting a car / 4837 : Where would you like to pick it up?
- 3616 : London visit / 4549 : London was wonderful!
- 3622 : Trends / 5004 : There has been a sharp decline in sales.
- 3623 : Apologising / 4901 : We apologize for the mix-up.
- 3624 : Making your point / 5266 : I think you have a point.
- 3625 : Contrast / 4592 : Although I've never studied it, I can speak some Gaelic.
- 3626 : Advantages and disadvantages / 4872 : The good thing about Mr. Smith was that he was well prepared.
- 3627 : Criticism and reacting to it / 4556 : I hope you don't mind me saying this.
- 3628 : Future : Going to+inf, will+inf, will be+ing / 4565 : We'll receive payment within a few weeks.
- 3629 : Shall / 4918 : What shall we do?
- 3630 : Setting up, postponing and cancelling meetings / 5260 : I want to set up a meeting for tomorrow.
- 3631 : Interpreting visual information / 4802 : The line on the graph shows our numbers are falling.
- 3632 : Making meetings productive (how to influence events) / 4773 : If we are all here, let's start the meeting.
- 3633 : Techniques for keeping the conversation going
- 3634 : What to say when you don't know what to say / 5261 : Hey, um...I’m Stella.
- 3635 : Sequence / 4537 : What did you do next?
- 3636 : Letters and faxes / 5222 : I would be grateful if you could grant me an interview.
- 3637 : Purpose / 5258 : She did yoga in order to relax.
- 3638 : Thank you / 4930 : Don't mention it.
- 3639 : Goodbye / 4904 : See you later.
- 3640 : Reassuring (Hotel guests problems) / 4948 : I was waiting in the lobby, and someone snatched my purse!
- 3641 : Present simple and present continuous / 4543 : We're hiring a new administrative assistant.
- 3642 : Past simple/present perfect with ever and yet / 4586 : Have you ever been to the ER?
- 3643 : Modals : Can, may, might, should, must / 4382 : How can we increase sales?
- 3644 : Passive 1-2 / 5259 : The meeting was attended by the CEO.
- 3645 : Passive 2-2 / 4638 : I have been employed here for 20 years.
- 3646 : Past simple, present perfect and present perfect continuous / 4867 : Have they been enjoying their vacation?
- 3647 : Advise, recommend, suggest / 4855 : We should try to be fully prepared.
- 3648 : Conditionals : If I were you, If I had known / 4796 : I would've invited you if you hadn't gone on that trip.
- 3649 : Past simple and past continuous / 5231 : I was wondering if you wanted to work on the new project with me.
- 3650 : Used to, past perfect simple and continuous / 4677 : I used to talk to her every day.
- 3651 : Will, Going to, present simple and continuous / 4797 : I'll call you later, and we can make plans for our vacation.
- 3652 : Modals : Should, ought to / 5267 : You ought to prepare a good presentation.
- 3653 : Modals : Question forms / 5241 : Could I borrow your travel guide?
- 3654 : Make / 4639 : I can't make it to the two o'clock meeting.
- 3655 : Do / 4676 : We do business in China.
- 3656 : Get / 4563 : I can help you get that right.
- 3658 : Prepositions / 5242 : I'll get in touch with the hotel to make arrangements.
- 3659 : Conditional 2 / 5235 : I wouldn’t work out if I didn’t enjoy it.
- 3660 : Conditional 3 / 5236 : He should have gone to see the doctor right away.
- 3662 : Tag Questions / 4876 : That's a lot of money, isn't it?
- 3663 : Future : Will have, will have + ing / 4589 : I will have been married for ten years this June.
- 3664 : Job / 4890 : I landed the job!
- 3665 : Flying / 4793 : I was flying to New York, and the flight was delayed by six hours.
- 3666 : Hotels / 4570 : Although the hotel room was spacious, it was also grubby.
- 3667 : Cars / 5268 : Seatbelts are very important.
- 3668 : Weather / 4838 : It's a bit chilly.
- 3670 : Spare Time / 4540 : I'm interested in gardening.
- 3671 : Reading / 4879 : Do you skim, pore over or plough through books?
- 3672 : Sports / 4885 : My team just scored!
- 3673 : Television and cinema / 4881 : What type of movies do you enjoy?
- 3674 : Food , Diet and Health / 4476 : You should try to eat a healthy diet.
- 3675 : Food : utensils and ingredients / 4387 : Don't forget to follow the recipe carefully.
- 3676 : Cooking / 4801 : I'll add a few drops of oil, and then it'll be ready to eat.
- 3677 : Eating Out / 4880 : Can you recommend a restaurant with a warm, friendly atmosphere?
- 3678 : Shopping / 4792 : You can find a lot of bargains in our outlets.
- 3679 : Colours / 4794 : I was tickled pink!
- 3680 : Education / 4861 : I prefer math to science.
- 3681 : Public and private transport / 4888 : Carpooling is a great way to travel.
- 3682 : Sport and business / 4887 : Let's kick off!
- 3683 : People : appearance / 4845 : He's the most professional person in the office.
- 3684 : People : character / 4875 : They are very friendly.
- 3687 : Health problems / 4791 : I feel really hot, so I'm sure I have a temperature.
- 3693 : Giving instructions / 5269 : They installed new lights in our apartment.
- 3694 : Giving and receiving permission / 4479 : Would you mind if I took a week off?
- 3696 : Travelling abroad / 4381 : Could I see your ticket, please?
- 3697 : Greetings and introductions (Stress and pronunciation) / 4937 : I'd like some information, please.
- 3698 : International travel types / 5237 : How do you usually travel?
- 3864 : Must and have to / 4383 : I will have to check my schedule.
- 3941 : The Benefits of Conference Calls / 5142 : Conference calls are better than conferences.
- 3942 : Setting Up a Conference Call / 5136 : Can you set up a conference call?
- 3943 : Writing an Agenda for a Conference Call / 5138 : Do you know how to write a conference call agenda?
- 4584 : Adjectives and adverbs / 4675 : She gets things done efficiently.
- 4586 : Used to / 4475 : Everything used to be cheaper.
- 4587 : Logical connectors / 5254 : Working abroad can be a great experience.
- 4588 : Infinitive or gerund / 4455 : I remember going to London. I forgot to take my suitcase out of the cab!
- 4589 : Review: prepositions / 4842 : It's on my desk somewhere.
- 4591 : The first conditional / 5239 : If you want to continue, you'll have to cut costs.
- 4592 : Figuring it out: comparison and contrast / 5226 : My company has grown significantly since last year.
- 5843 : What were you doing yesterday afternoon? / 4328 : What were you doing yesterday afternoon?
- 5844 : I used to earn less money. / 4342 : I used to earn less money.
- 5845 : Tell me about your business trip. / 4333 : Tell me about your business trip.
- 5846 : She said that there was an office emergency. / 4335 : She said that there was an office emergency.
- 5847 : If you agree, I will print the programs. / 4344 : If you agree, I will print the schedule.
- 5848 : What can we do to make our company greener? / 4327 : What can we do to make our company greener?
- 5849 : I’ve been working at this company my whole life. / 4375 : I've been working at this company my whole life.
- 5850 : This is how we do business in a global village. / 4370 : This is how we do business in a global village.
- 5851 : What should we do? / 4337 : What should we do?
- 5852 : I’m a team player! / 4373 : I'm a team player.
- 5853 : From my point of view, we should go ahead. / 4340 : From my point of view, we should go ahead.
- 5854 : What would your dream job be? / 4330 : What would your dream job be?
- 2857 : Enquiring about ones Credit History / 5051 : We'll take your details and check your credit report.
- 2858 : Mortgages 1 / 5053 : Have you bought a home before?
- 2859 : Mortgages 2 / 5054 : I'm looking into investing in a property.
- 2860 : Home Insurance 1 / 4970 : Your home insurance will be active immediately.
- 2861 : Home Insurance 2 / 4971 : Would I also be covered for accidental damage?
- 2862 : Online Accounts 1 / 5024 : Do you have access to your online account?
- 2863 : Online Accounts 2 / 5025 : I recommend an online account.
- 2864 : Opening an Account 1 / 5045 : I would like to open a bank account.
- 2865 : Opening an Account 2 / 5047 : Could you please help me open a bank account?
- 2866 : Overdrafts 1 / 5027 : I want to find out about what kind of overdraft services you offer, please.
- 2867 : Overdrafts 2 / 5028 : Whats the difference between an authorized overdraft and an unauthorized overdraft?
- 2867 : Overdrafts 2 / 5031 : What's the difference between an authorized overdraft and an unauthorized overdraft?
- 2868 : Savings Accounts 1 / 5034 : Do you have an account option that would make it easier for me to save money?
- 2869 : Savings Accounts 2 / 5033 : What savings account would you recommend for retirement?
- 2870 : Loans / 5002 : What is the interest rate on a two-year loan?
- 2873 : SWIFT messages 1 / 5185 : How to communicate with clients abroad.
- 2874 : SWIFT messages 2 / 5177 : SWIFT messages must have precise information.
- 2881 : Letter of Credit / 5048 : I would like to apply for a letter of credit.
- 2882 : Issuing a Claim / 5105 : First you need to access the SWIFT interface.
- 2885 : Documents of a Letter of Credit / 5049 : What documentation do I need for a letter of credit?
- 2887 : Back Office Problem with Foreign bank / 5056 : It's in conformity with the terms, so I don't know what happened.
- 2888 : Choosing Transportation / 5052 : Road and rail are your most cost-effective transportation options.
- 2889 : Parts of a Business Letter / 5022 : Thank you for your recent letter.
- 2891 : Countries & Currencies / 4467 : Would you like that in euros, yen, pesos or reais?
- 2892 : INCOTERMS / 5036 : What type of INCOTERM would you recommend?
- 2893 : Letter of Complaint / 4936 : I was waiting all afternoon.
- 2894 : Looking at figures & Forecasting / 4941 : What does our future look like?
- 2895 : Priority Payments / 5039 : I would like to make a priority payment.
- 2896 : Shipping Costs / 4973 : Would it be a good idea for us to introduce flat-rate shipping?
- 2897 : Terms found in a business letter / 4952 : Please do not hesitate to contact us.
- 2898 : Use of Currencies / 4939 : The yuan is holding steady.
- 2900 : Letter of apology / 4622 : Please accept our apologies.
- 2969 : Credit Enquiries / 5040 : I'd like to refinance my car.
- 2970 : Travel Insurance / 4571 : What do I do if I get sick while I'm abroad?
- 2971 : Life Insurance / 5041 : I want to ask some questions about your life insurance policies.
- 2972 : Income Protection / 5044 : I'd like more information about disability insurance policies.
- 2973 : Refinancing / 4974 : You might be able to refinance your car.
- 2974 : Insurance for Students / 4975 : I had my computer stolen yesterday, so I need to make a claim on my insurance.
- 3022 : Handling a Client's Problem on the Phone / 4953 : When will my package be delivered?
- 3035 : Antivirus / 5013 : Our company has been hit by a virus!
- 3037 : Data Recovery / 5257 : I’ve lost all my data.
- 3038 : Data Theft / 5255 : Is your data safe?
- 3039 : Excel / 4960 : Put an equal sign in the cell reference B32.
- 3040 : Printers / 4920 : The printer is out of toner.
- 3041 : Search Engines / 4400 : However much I google it, I can't find exactly what I'm looking for.
- 3042 : Phishing / 4977 : Our system has registered suspicious activity from your account.
- 3043 : Word / 4929 : Right-click to cut and paste.
- 3044 : Networks / 5207 : How do I connect to the network?
- 3045 : Web Browsers / 4981 : You need to connect via the proxy server.
- 3046 : Social Networking / 4921 : Have you read my blog yet?
- 3047 : Internet Culture / 4380 : Did you see that clip of the guy dancing?
- 3048 : Email / 4877 : Did you get my email?
- 3049 : Powerpoint / 4954 : Today's talk will be about how to prepare an effective slideshow presentation.
- 3050 : Wikis / 4927 : We're editing the wikis tomorrow.
- 3051 : Forums / 5192 : Let’s hope I don’t get any trolls commenting on my post!
- 3052 : Chat / 5005 : CU at the mtg!
- 3053 : Help Desk / 4999 : Which OS are you using?
- 3062 : Databases / 5060 : Could you give me a hand for a moment, please?
- 3072 : Wireless / 4972 : I have to connect to the network, but I need a WEP key!
- 3076 : Presenting your job in the cosmetics industry / 5216 : We have lines in make-up, fragrance, skin care and hair care.
- 3077 : Talking about your job / 4882 : Am I eligible for flextime?
- 3078 : Policy & Planning / 5057 : His attendance record has always been very good.
- 3079 : Recruitment / 5061 : We need to take someone on.
- 3080 : Welfare / 5062 : Let me explain our benefits policy.
- 3081 : Training & Development / 4957 : We are doing a three-day crash course for all employees.
- 3082 : Accidents & Workplace Misconduct / 4946 : If we'd taken better preventative measures, the accident wouldn'’t have occurred.
- 3083 : Employee Relations & Trade Unions / 5058 : Conciliation will be difficult now; we’'ll have to call in a mediator.
- 3084 : Employment Law / 4982 : She'll be taking the matter to an employment tribunal.
- 3085 : Internal Communication / 5055 : Thank you for the intercultural communication seminar.
- 3086 : Talking about other people's jobs / 4983 : We have a freelancer working on our pamphlets at the moment.
- 3087 : Planning / 4984 : It's imperative that we put in place a quota strategy.
- 3088 : Remuneration / 4992 : What would the remuneration package include if I accepted this job?
- 3089 : Career Development / 5003 : I should have taken a sabbatical or a career break.
- 3090 : Health & Safety in the Workplace / 4997 : Could you debrief me regarding this morning's fire drill?
- 3091 : Employee Agreements & Strikes / 5001 : The employees have been threatening to strike recently.
- 3092 : Organisational Types & Cultures / 4958 : What is the company culture like?
- 3093 : Jobs & Workers / 4534 : What kind of worker are you?
- 3094 : Management Development / 5063 : Management development sounds like a worthwhile investment.
- 3095 : Team Building / 4961 : How did the team-building event go?
- 3096 : Interviewing Techniques / 4962 : Tell me about a time when you demonstrated good leadership skills.
- 3305 : Safety and Security at a Construction Site / 5083 : There are a number of safety procedures to protect us against risks and site hazards.
- 3309 : Delays in the Construction Industry / 5080 : We will pay any incurred costs and compensation.
- 3311 : Explaining your job in the construction industry / 5081 : I already have my forklift truck permit.
- 3314 : The Commonwealth Court System / 5082 : I’ve received a writ summoning me to court.
- 3315 : Commencing a Claim / 5103 : You’ll need to go through the small claims division of the local county court.
- 3316 : Accidents & Compensation / 5099 : I need your advice concerning an accident I had at work.
- 3317 : The Law and the Consumer / 5178 : You have the legal right to request a refund or have your items replaced or repaired for free.
- 3318 : Employment Law / 5179 : It seems to me that this is an unfair dismissal.
- 3319 : Family Law / 5137 : We recently split up.
- 3323 : Neighbours & the Law / 5113 : You deserve to be afforded some respect by your neighbors.
- 3330 : Antibiotics - Pharmacy / 5086 : Your doctor prescribed you an antibiotic.
- 3331 : Explaining your job in Pharmacy / 5078 : What does a pharmacist do?
- 3355 : Talking about oil production and products / 5303 : Petroleum is refined into fuels, fertilizers and other products.
- 3357 : Using technical language in the oil industry / 5306 : Drilling stops once the correct depth has been attained.
- 3358 : Talking about your job in the oil and gas industry / 5299 : How long have you been working in the oil and gas industry?
- 3387 : Talking about food shortages / 5021 : By 2050, the food production industry will be suffering from severe water shortages.
- 3420 : Talking about Food Safety Regulations / 4989 : Has the milk been pasteurized?
- 3442 : Tutorial Lesson - intermediate
- 3472 : Hiring and firing / 5220 : Why do you want a job with this company?
- 3473 : Stress management / 4938 : They are overworked and underpaid, which can lead to stress.
- 3477 : Dressing a wound / 5088 : How often do I need to change the dressing on my wound?
- 3478 : Patient Admissions / 5111 : I don’t have a next of kin on your form.
- 3479 : Pre-operative and post-operative patient assessment / 5101 : I hope you’re not feeling too apprehensive about your operation.
- 3480 : Military Recruitment / 5180 : I decided to sign on to do four years of service.
- 3481 : The Rifle Range / 5100 : Don’t go down range and stay clear of the line of fire.
- 3486 : Talking about your job in the Perfume Industry / 5098 : I’m a perfumer. I’m involved in the manufacturing of fragrances for a luxury fashion house.
- 3487 : Materials used in Jewellery / 5089 : I would recommend platinum, as it's more durable than gold.
- 3489 : Checking in / 4800 : Could you give me your confirmation number please?
- 3510 : Present perfect / 4449 : Have you ever been to the U.S.?
- 3601 : Sustainable Energy / 5274 : We need to develop sustainable energy sources.
- 3602 : Transport: The Need For Clean Energy / 5104 : How much is the transportation industry affecting climate change?
- 3617 : What do banks do? / 5085 : What functions do financial institutions serve?
- 3618 : Talking about performance / 5175 : How is our company performing?
- 3619 : Project financing / 5176 : Project financing is an investment.
- 3620 : Arranging Payment / 4942 : Can I pay in installments?
- 3621 : Valuing a company / 4836 : Has the profit margin been increased?
- 3657 : Getting/Having things done / 4564 : I'm having my windshield fixed.
- 3661 : Look, seem, sound, feel, taste, smell, like / 4588 : That smells delicious!
- 3669 : Clothes / 4886 : That's such a nice outfit.
- 3685 : People : mood
- 3686 : Child Care
- 3688 : In the black / 5164 : Does this mean we’re in the black?
- 3689 : In the Red / 4998 : I was wondering if our debt could be rescheduled.
- 3690 : Takeovers/Enterprise Values / 5273 : We had bid for acquisition of the rival company.
- 3691 : How can I pay? / 4811 : Can I transfer funds to my savings account?
- 3692 : Opportunity and Risk / 4678 : We don't want to get our fingers burnt.
- 3695 : Giving and receiving permission 2
- 3863 : All and every / 4613 : Do you have all of them? Every one?
- 3866 : Hotel Reservations / 4456 : I'd like to book a room, please.
- 3867 : Holiday Destinations / 4480 : The city is absolutely beautiful!
- 3868 : Careers in Tourism / 5135 : I work at the front desk.
- 3935 : Talking About Your Job in the Insurance Industry / 5190 : I’m an independent insurance broker.
- 3936 : Insurance and the Law / 5102 : I’m suspicious this claim for compensation may be fraudulent.
- 3938 : The Telecommunications Industry / 5184 : The telecommunications industry has come a long way.
- 3939 : Computer Networks / 5187 : Which type of computer network do you use at your office?
- 4142 : Solar Energy / 5302 : Should we invest in a solar energy via a PV system or a CSP system?
- 4585 : Yet, already and still
- 5525 : Electricity distribution / 5300 : How is electricity distributed in your region?
- 5526 : Fossil-fired plants / 5304 : We're opening a combined heat and power plant.
- 5527 : Hydraulic power production / 5294 : What is the best turbine for the new hydroelectric power plant?
- 5528 : Nuclear energy production / 5301 : Nuclear energy results from the process of fission.
- 6339 : Bank Stress Tests
- 6340 : Conflict of Interest
- 6341 : Report writing
- 880 : Describing how equipment works / 5079 : The motor makes the mechanism turn round and round very quickly.
- 899 : Verb + gerund 2-3
- 944 : Managing quality / 5308 : We must all put our heads together.
- 3359 : Reporting Progress / 4548 : How is the project coming along?
- 3360 : Product presentation / 4746 : Are you ready for this?
- 3361 : Company description / 4835 : Turnover has increased a lot since I founded the company.
- 3362 : Product description : product / 4771 : But will it have a long shelf life?
- 3363 : Product description : service / 5122 : We are in the retail industry.
- 3364 : Describing equipment / 4874 : What is it made of?
- 3365 : Meeting : Organising and emphasising information / 4747 : We have a lot to accomplish today!
- 3367 : Modern production methods / 5067 : A flow production would be the most cost effective.
- 3369 : Business and the law / 5150 : What are the legal procedures?
- 3370 : Company finance / 5153 : How are we getting along?
- 3371 : The company report / 4985 : Business is not as good as it was last year.
- 3373 : Analysing market position and prospects / 4822 : What are our prospects?
- 3374 : Product life cycles / 4990 : The product is entering the growth stage.
- 3376 : Imports and exports / 4991 : Has the consignment gone through customs?
- 3377 : Accounting 1 / 5095 : The company released an in-depth report of its finances.
- 3378 : Accounting 2 / 5115 : Is now a good time to go over the balance sheet?
- 3379 : The stock market / 5154 : Do you follow the stock market closely?
- 3380 : Health / 4637 : How have you been feeling?
- 3381 : Production methods / 4944 : What's the process?
- 3382 : Management styles / 4578 : My manager is motivating, and she is considerate too.
- 3383 : Advertising-techniques and comparison / 4988 : How do you get your message across?
- 3699 : Review : Helping People / 4884 : How can I help you?
- 3700 : Making travel arrangements / 5200 : I'd like to reserve a one-way ticket, arriving on January 3.
- 3701 : Making a complaint / 4558 : I'd like to make a complaint!
- 3702 : Explaining proposals / 4574 : What do you propose?
- 3704 : Meeting skills: participating and interrupting / 4943 : Do you mind if I break in for a second?
- 3705 : A simulated meeting over the telephone / 4949 : Financially speaking, my hands are tied.
- 3706 : Reading the mail / 4889 : Thank you for writing.
- 3707 : Business correspondance-writing and reading business letters / 5218 : I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
- 3708 : Business correspondance-writing and reading memos / 5194 : I'm looking forward to hearing all about it.
- 3709 : E-mail-writing and reading / 5198 : We have scheduled the AGM for next Tuesday.
- 3710 : Negotiating 1-3 / 4640 : I wish we had never signed that contract.
- 3711 : Negotiating 2-3 / 4964 : What's your strategy?
- 3712 : Negotiating 3-3 / 4980 : Is this your best offer?
- 3713 : At the restaurant / 4643 : Are you ready to order?
- 3714 : Agreeing and disagreeing
- 3715 : Making a complaint / 4573 : This is really quite unacceptable!
- 3716 : Apologising / 5038 : I am terribly sorry.
- 3717 : Telephone Language-giving information / 5238 : Can I get some sales figures from you, please?
- 3718 : Telephoning-difficult calls / 4891 : There must be somebody who can help!
- 3719 : Making formal and informal suggestions / 5209 : Why don’t you contact a lawyer?
- 3720 : Informing and reporting / 4575 : He told me that he wanted a promotion.
- 3721 : The past continuous / 4477 : What were you doing when it happened?
- 3725 : Reported speech 1-3 / 4577 : Tell me all about it.
- 3727 : Verb + gerund 1-3 / 4415 : Do you like working here?
- 3728 : The third conditional / 4862 : If I had known, I would have lent you the money.
- 3729 : Verb + preposition (to get) / 5213 : Let's get on with it!
- 3730 : Verb + preposition (to come) / 5202 : Come on in!
- 3731 : Verb + preposition (to look) / 5199 : I'll look into it.
- 3732 : Verb + preposition (to take) / 5210 : Ricky takes after his grandfather.
- 3733 : Verb + preposition (to fall and to bring) / 5197 : I’ll bring the book along with me.
- 3734 : Verb + preposition (review) / 5211 : The neighbors dropped in to say hello.
- 3735 : The past perfect / 4562 : They had left the front door wide open.
- 3738 : Say and tell / 4454 : Tell me a story!
- 3739 : Review: the past / 4566 : You'll never guess what happened to me yesterday!
- 3743 : Industrial relations / 5139 : I have concerns about my working conditions.
- 3745 : Purchasing / 5030 : The penalty clause will be enforced if you break the contract.
- 3746 : Choosing a supplier / 4945 : We are looking for a supplier we can rely upon.
- 3748 : Managing people / 5042 : My manager is excellent at prioritizing and delegating tasks fairly.
- 3751 : Managing diversification / 5309 : Diversification can offset a loss in one area of operations with gains in other areas.
- 3752 : Understanding different cultures 1 / 4816 : Is your culture monochronic or polychronic?
- 3753 : Understanding different cultures 2 / 5091 : I stuck out like a sore thumb.
- 3754 : Asking for personal information / 4757 : So, what do you do?
- 3755 : Telephone-introducing yourself / 4955 : Who's calling, please?
- 3756 : Telephone language-asking questions / 4579 : Could you tell me what time she will be available?
- 3757 : Planning a presentation / 4581 : Firstly, thank you for coming here today.
- 3758 : Telephone language / 5243 : Could you put me through to Mr. Allen, please?
- 3759 : Meetings: making proposals / 5212 : If you accept my proposal, sales will increase.
- 3760 : Decision making / 4595 : It must have been a difficult decision to make.
- 3761 : Statistics / 4642 : Profits have been rising steadily.
- 3762 : Making presentations 2 / 5032 : I'm going to try and be as concise as possible.
- 3763 : Report writing - Style and Vocabulary / 4978 : Is the report intended for you?
- 3764 : Negotiating 4-3 / 5046 : We'll never resolve this negotiation if we don't reach a compromise.
- 3765 : Formal and informal language / 4758 : I look forward to hearing from you.
- 3766 : Project planning 1-3 / 4993 : Let's make a plan.
- 3767 : Project planning 2-3
- 3768 : Meetings: taking part / 4956 : We've hit a fork in the road.
- 3769 : Technical description / 5068 : The technical specs need to be straightforward.
- 3770 : British and American English / 4710 : Do you say smart or sharp?
- 3772 : Phrasal verbs / 4759 : Will you ask around and see if anyone is free?
- 3773 : Prepositions and adverbial phrases / 5195 : You are the best in the business, without a doubt.
- 3774 : Inter-company cooperation (European companies) / 5092 : Reports this morning have confirmed the news.
- 3775 : Inter-company cooperation (situation) / 4745 : Let's combine our resources!
- 3776 : Profit sharing (vocabulary) / 4979 : It could be a good idea to think about profit-sharing.
- 3777 : Profit sharing (cause and effect) / 5174 : What happens if we share?
- 3778 : Strategic planning / 4819 : What about the long term?
- 3779 : Management planning / 5181 : My company went from a hierarchical structure to a team-oriented management style.
- 3780 : Financial management (increase and decrease) / 4987 : Unfortunately, the bear market has made investors skittish.
- 3781 : Financial management (figures) / 5117 : What are the figures for the first quarter?
- 3782 : Advertising / 5035 : It may help to spread the word with an online ad campaign.
- 3783 : Direct marketing / 5156 : Let's take it to the streets.
- 3784 : The management of technology (charts ) / 4966 : This is the latest model in the product line.
- 3785 : The management of technology (European companies) / 5183 : Keeping pace with technological developments.
- 3786 : The marketing mix / 4965 : Tell me about the marketing mix.
- 3787 : Import / export / 5157 : Do you have anything to declare?
- 3788 : International marketing-numbers, facts and figures / 5043 : Sales stagnated because we didn’'t tailor our products to suit the local market.
- 3789 : Competitiveness / 4994 : We need to increase our competitiveness.
- 3790 : Diversification / 5114 : I think we should diversify.
- 3791 : Franchising / 5069 : I’m interested in setting up a franchise.
- 3792 : Business buzzwords / 4580 : It's time to revamp your image!
- 3944 : Holding a Conference Call / 4706 : You should begin a conference call with a roll call.
- 3945 : Writing Minutes for a Conference Call / 4750 : Have you got it all down?
- 3987 : Job Clarification / 4827 : Can you clarify?
- 3988 : Setting Priorities / 4826 : Get your priorities straight!
- 3989 : Managing your Workspace / 4472 : How well organized are you? DO NOT USE
- 3989 : Managing your Workspace / 5214 : How well organized are you?
- 3991 : Managing Telephone Calls / 4711 : The phone has been ringing off the hook!
- 3993 : Effectively Working with your Boss / 4824 : You're the boss.
- 3994 : Effectively working with a Group / 4788 : I work in a great team.
- 3995 : Management Overview / 4814 : What makes a good manager?
- 3996 : First Day in a New Management Position / 5126 : Would you like to meet your new manager?
- 3997 : Expressing Authority / 5128 : Let's lay down some ground rules.
- 3998 : Staff Interaction / 4707 : Are you on a first-name basis with your boss?
- 3999 : Balancing Interests / 5070 : As a mediator, one must remain impartial.
- 4000 : Dealing with Poor Performance / 4823 : Maybe you could try something different.
- 4001 : Motivating Employees / 4756 : How do we fire up the team?
- 4002 : Working with People to Achieve Success / 4751 : You can do it!
- 4003 : Getting the Best from your Team / 5159 : How to get the best from your team.
- 4004 : The power of responsibility / 5125 : How would you feel about taking on a management role?
- 4005 : Negotiations - Core Concepts / 4760 : You drive a hard bargain.
- 4006 : Concessions / 4752 : Can we find a middle ground?
- 4008 : Negotiation Techniques / 4748 : What's the best way to do this?
- 4009 : Managing the Negotiation Process / 4825 : I must say that everything has gone very smoothly.
- 4010 : Interpersonal Behavior during Negotiations / 4821 : Body language is everything!
- 4011 : Handling Interruptions / 4712 : I'm sorry, but I can't talk right now.
- 4012 : Managing Stress / 4810 : Take a deep breath.
- 4108 : Overview of management / 4831 : I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed!
- 4109 : Analyses / 5285 : We should conduct some feasibility analyses.
- 4110 : Force Field Analysis / 5290 : Doing a Force Field Analysis might help us make the decision.
- 4111 : Decision making / 4753 : What are the implications?
- 4112 : Project Planning / 4829 : Get smart about project planning!
- 4113 : Team Building / 4749 : Let's work together!
- 4114 : Monitoring the Project / 5320 : What prevented the project from spiraling out of control?
- 4115 : Management Training / 5321 : Jobs are needed to absorb the expanding workforce.
- 4116 : Evaluating the project / 4818 : How could we improve?
- 4117 : Being a Leader / 5322 : The supervisor criticized the project proposal in a constructive manner.
- 4118 : Setting sales targets / 4765 : What's our target?
- 4119 : Sales Planning / 4754 : What can we do to increase sales?
- 4120 : Prospecting by mail: mail shots / 5272 : I’m afraid we’re really having to tighten our belts at the moment.
- 4121 : Breaking the ice on the telephone / 4755 : Is this a good time?
- 4122 : Building Rapport / 4713 : It's good to see you again!
- 4123 : Qualifying Prospects / 5323 : Qualifying potential clients is a key part of the sales process.
- 4124 : Sales Feasibility study / 5270 : How is your business plan for your new venture coming along?
- 4125 : The Sales Presentation / 4714 : Know your pitch inside and out.
- 4126 : Sales proposal cover letter / 4481 : I am hard-working, talented and motivated!
- 4126 : Sales proposal cover letter / 5203 : I am hard-working, talented and motivated!
- 4127 : Closing the deal / 4828 : I'll make you a good deal.
- 4128 : Surveying Satisfaction
- 4129 : Sales: debt collection / 5280 : Are you aware that your last two payments are overdue?
- 4136 : Customer Service: Employee Performance / 4813 : Are you satisfied in your job?
- 4143 : Preparing the meeting: basics / 4763 : Is everything in place?
- 4144 : Preparing the meeting: Agendas / 4820 : What's on the agenda?
- 4145 : Preparing the meeting: Logistics / 4764 : How about the logistics?
- 4146 : Leading the meeting / 4830 : Who's the leader?
- 4147 : Handling discussion / 4322 : (C1) Let's get the ball rolling.
- 4147 : Handling discussion / 4986 : The chair decided to kick off the meeting.
- 4148 : Dealing with problems / 4968 : It was way out of line!
- 4149 : Participating effectively / 5112 : I'd appreciate your input.
- 4150 : Giving valuable input / 4708 : You ought to always be properly prepared.
- 4151 : Group dynamics / 4709 : I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree.
- 4152 : The Minutes / 4761 : I will now summarize the main points.
- 4153 : Procedure / 4715 : Thank you all for coming to this meeting.
- 4605 : Finding new markets / 5096 : She wants the brand to become a household name.
- 4606 : Marketing-telephoning prospects / 5074 : I’m calling to make you an offer.
- 4607 : Marketing-visiting prospects / 5037 : I hope we can work together.
- 4608 : Managing objectives / 5132 : Let’s be S.M.A.R.T. about this.
- 4609 : Preparing a business trip / 4950 : Please pick me up from the airport at 3:30 p.m.
- 5483 : Basic Cultural Differences / 5123 : What is your culture like?
- 5484 : Basic Cultural Differences: Part II / 5134 : Is the individual or the collective more important?
- 5485 : Cultural Diversity / 5163 : The more diverse, the better.
- 5486 : Culture and Language / 5075 : We hadn’t dealt with foreign visitors before.
- 5487 : Developing International Markets / 5127 : The company is ready to go global.
- 5488 : Establishing International Teams / 5076 : How would you feel about a transfer overseas?
- 5489 : Gestures Around the World / 5121 : He folded his arms the whole time.
- 5490 : International Business Etiquette / 5165 : Make a good impression.
- 5491 : Intercultural Negotiations / 5124 : It's important that we show sensitivity to the local culture.
- 5492 : What is Intercultural Management? / 5166 : What is intercultural management?
- 5493 : What They Say and What They Mean / 5108 : The duck ducked underwater.
- 5507 : Why People Complain / 5278 : Customer dissatisfaction is unacceptable.
- 5508 : The Positives of Complaints / 5324 : Are you willing to go the extra mile?
- 5509 : Making it Easy to Complain / 5327 : Some customers are reluctant to complain.
- 5510 : Agressive Complainers / 5295 : In this job, you’ll be dealing with a lot of angry customers.
- 5511 : Passive Complainers / 5283 : Passive complainers can be bad for business.
- 5512 : Other Types of Complainers / 5318 : I don’t mind getting calls from constructive complainers.
- 5513 : Developing a Policy to Deal with Complaints / 5289 : We need a policy for handling customer complaints.
- 5514 : Logging Complaints / 5287 : Make sure to log every complaint in the database.
- 5515 : Analysing Complaints / 5293 : I've finished my analysis of customer complaints.
- 5516 : Communicating with the Complainer / 5215 : I refuse to go back!
- 5517 : Dealing with Complaints by Phone / 5325 : Have you ever handled complaints by phone before?
- 5518 : Dealing with Written Complaints / 5296 : Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
- 5519 : Internal Complaints / 5297 : Our company takes employee complaints seriously.
- 5520 : Dealing with Internal Complaints / 5326 : My co-worker is harassing me, and I would like to file a grievance.
- 5521 : Building Customer Loyalty / 5286 : Implementing a relationship marketing approach helped boost customer loyalty.
- 2871 : Trading Overseas / 5131 : We have a branch overseas.
- 2872 : Trading Advice / 5064 : We are interested in importing finished goods.
- 2875 : Currency Risks / 5077 : Do you understand the risks?
- 2876 : Solutions for the Client / 5140 : The letter of credit is on its way.
- 2877 : Sending Legal Documents / 5118 : Do you have the right documents?
- 2879 : Political Risks / 5090 : We are going to take a calculated risk.
- 2884 : Import & Export Rules / 5106 : We need to contact the bank and ask them to draw a bill of exchange.
- 2886 : Commercial Contract / 5133 : What are the guidelines?
- 2901 : Foreign Exchange Transactions / 5065 : We have to reduce our currency exposure.
- 2902 : Finding New Markets / 5143 : Which marketing approach is feasible right now?
- 2903 : Setting Prices in Export / 5066 : We need to iron out the details of the pricing strategy.
- 2904 : World Trade Organization / 5145 : What are the global rules of trade?
- 2905 : Setting up a partnership / 5107 : We’re thrilled to be working with you guys!
- 2906 : Protecting International Property Rights / 5149 : We need to be protected.
- 2907 : Developing an Export Plan / 5119 : Which demographic are we hoping to sell to?
- 3055 : Data Recovery / 5059 : Don't panic, Linda. Calm down and tell me what happened to the files.
- 3056 : Data Theft / 5050 : There's been a terrible breach of security.
- 3058 : Phishing / 5023 : Is that the real website?
- 3063 : Databases / 4379 : It's all in the database.
- 3064 : Networks / 4959 : Are you connected?
- 3067 : Internet Culture / 4995 : We shouldn't have posted that clip.
- 3070 : Wikis / 4969 : Can you edit a wiki?
- 3071 : Forums / 4996 : The mods locked that thread.
- 3073 : Wireless
- 3329 : Clinical Trials-Pharmacy / 5310 : Please explain how the clinical trials are conducted.
- 3366 : Company Management / 5087 : What is the structure of your company?
- 3368 : Distribution / 5097 : We should deliver produce directly to our customers.
- 3372 : Insurance and the law / 5116 : I’d suggest getting in touch with an insurance broker.
- 3375 : Advertising-using typical vocabulary / 5029 : I would've been reluctant to put a different brand in my cart.
- 3419 : Talking about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) / 5275 : Do you think GMOs are safe?
- 3445 : Tutorial Lesson - advanced
- 3482 : UN Peacekeeping Mission / 5305 : The UN mandate for our peacekeeping mission supports reconciliation.
- 3485 : The Process of Leather Production / 5288 : How does a hide become leather?
- 3490 : The Concierge Service / 5311 : Where are the best restaurants?
- 3603 : The Effect of Pollution On Rainforests / 5298 : We need to consider how deforestation is impacting the environment.
- 3703 : The job interview / 4963 : I'm always pursuing better results.
- 3722 : Relative pronouns / 4569 : He's the man who was recently appointed secretary of education.
- 3723 : Either, neither, nor, both, all and none / 4568 : I like neither Thai nor Greek food.
- 3724 : Emphasis : so, such, how, and what / 4567 : It was so nice catching up with you!
- 3726 : Reported speech 2-3 / 4321 : (B2) What happened on the news?
- 3726 : Reported speech 2-3 / 5110 : Newspapers are claiming that the strike could last all week.
- 3736 : To wish and to regret / 4572 : I wish I had moved to London.
- 3737 : The future perfect / 4582 : By the time we arrive, we will have driven over 2,500 miles.
- 3740 : Preparing a job advertisement / 5026 : The recruitment consultant told the applicant that it was an entry-level role.
- 3741 : Short-listing candidates / 4967 : The applicant looks really good on paper.
- 3742 : Interviews / 4883 : Tell me about yourself.
- 3744 : Assessing performance / 4705 : We need to carry out a performance appraisal.
- 3747 : Time management / 4596 : At the moment, I'm juggling lots of different projects.
- 3771 : Word formation / 4940 : How is it formed?
- 3937 : Life Insurance / 5277 : Are you insured?
- 3940 : Transmission Systems / 5281 : Do you use wireless transmission systems or cables?
- 4007 : Preparation for Negotiations / 5129 : We should think about what style of negotiation we will use ahead of time.
- 4093 : Marketing Basics 1: Overview / 5292 : What is your marketing strategy?
- 4094 : Marketing Basics 2 / 5313 : Knowledge is power.
- 4095 : Marketing Research 1 / 5276 : Where are we with the market research?
- 4096 : Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning / 5279 : Which market segment should we target?
- 4097 : Marketing Research 2 / 5284 : What did we learn from the focus groups?
- 4098 : Developing a marketing strategy / 5314 : Marketing strategies should be flexible.
- 4099 : SWOT Analysis / 5307 : What conclusions can we draw from the SWOT analysis?
- 4100 : Marketing Research Methods 1 / 5315 : Studying secondary research will give you an overview of the market.
- 4101 : Marketing Research Methods 2 / 5316 : Research collected from a real-life situation is very valuable.
- 4102 : The development Process / 5317 : Victor had a bright idea for marketing the product.
- 4103 : The 4 Ps / 5282 : Let’s take a look at the four Ps.
- 4104 : The 4 Cs / 5291 : How do you change your marketing mindset?
- 4105 : Gap analysis / 5271 : Analyzing data is important for setting benchmarks.
- 4106 : Branding / 5244 : You'd better create a great tagline.
- 4107 : Marketing Planning / 5319 : We do not want to suffer from marketing myopia.
- 4139 : Energy Sources / 5312 : Could you tell me what sustainable energy means?
- 4141 : Nuclear Energy / 4817 : How is nuclear energy created?