Published in J-Wire July 2014

Not a time for complacency

Dear Jewish Communities and Israelis overseas,
This is not a time for complacency! We cannot afford it.
As an extremely concerned citizen of Israel I would like to make an appeal to the Jewish Communities and ex-pat Israelis living abroad.
This is not a time for complacency! We cannot afford it.
At 9am on the morning of 15 July the Israeli Cabinet ratified the cease fire and stopped the bombardment of Gaza.
The Hamas waited 10 minutes then fired more missiles extending their range to over 170 Kms. – covering almost all of Israel.
On the news – which, BTW is now on our TV’s 24/7 – we see the waves and waves of anti-Israel-ism. Let me tell you all something: ‘Silence is not golden’ / ‘Silence is not an option’.
That same evening there was a demonstration at Zion Square in Jerusalem of the extreme right wing (Kahane Lives), with the stated intention of marching on the Arab Quarter of the Old City and to show them ‘who’s the boss’. A group of peace loving left wing Israelis stood in front of them with banners and songs facing the insults and curses hurled at them – my daughter and her boyfriend were there and together with other like-minded men and women, and the police, succeeded in avoiding a potentially violent and explosive confrontation.
I am proud of my daughter.
Silence is a sign of weakness. We are the defendants on trial in the courthouse of world public opinion – our case is strong and we have to plead our arguments!
‘They’ are very clever. ‘Their’ multi layered strategic agenda over the last 15 years is now paying-off with dividends. I am telling you: “Look around you, open your eyes, …”. Attacks on synagogues in Paris, anti-Israel demonstrations in London Paris, Berlin and New York are erroneously seen as representing a national trend. Local and national authorities have been overwhelmed.
‘They’ are winning on every level. International Public opinion is being manipulated, ‘they’ have become the vociferous majority and the world is feeling a vice-like grip tightening by sheer numbers, which translated into any language, means votes – Q.E.D. power.
You cannot be turned into the silent minority. Speak out; let your voices be heard.
‘They’ are masters of terrorism. ‘They’ are terrororising the population of Israel with indiscriminate rockets.
‘Their’ unscrupulous terror tactics have far more wide reaching effects and collateral damage. The empty hotels, beaches and restaurants are a testament to their master-plan.
We cannot hear you!
Who are ‘THEY’? ‘THEY’ are everyone who is not an ‘infidel’ – and we are for them the biggest thorn in their plan.
Stand up and be counted – time has run out – raise your voices to avert imminent disaster!
Howard Burns
Haifa, Israel.