- IATA-Training/civil-aviation-security
- DaveEdwards12/new-realities-in-aviation-security-remotely-gaining-control-of-aircraft-systems
- At the airport
- Airport vocabulary
- At the airport
- BEP 56 INT – Business Travel 2: Customs and Immigration
- BEP 55 INT – Business Travel: Airport Departure and Take Off
- BEP 25 – Travel: Airport Check In and Making Polite Requests
- 25 Useful English Vocabulary Words for the Airport
- At the Airport - English Vocabulary - Learn English for Traveling
- passing-through-airport-security/
- English vocabulary - Airport
At the airport
Welcome to twominenglish.com. Teaching you English two minutes at a time.
In this lesson we will listen to conversations at the airport.
At the security gate
Security Agent : Hello. Can I see your ID and the ticket please?
Passenger : Sure. Here's my ID and m ticket.
Security Agent : Thank you. You may proceed to the check-in counter.
At the check in counter
Agent : Good evening. Welcome to A1 Airlines. Please give me your ticket and ID.
Passenger : Here they are.
Agent : Thank you. Do you have any check-in baggage?
Passenger : Yes, I have one suitcase.
Agent : Okay. Any hand-baggage?
Passenger : Yes, I am carrying my backpack into the cabin.
Agent : Here's a security tag for your cabin-baggage please attach the tag to your bag.
Passenger : Thank you.
Choosing the seat
Agent : Would you like the window seat or the aisle seat?
Passenger : I think I will go for the aisle seat this time.
Agent : Sure sir. I can give you the aisle seat.
Passenger : Thanks. That will be very nice.
Agent : You're welcome. Your seat number is 6D.
At the Baggage checking machine
Guard : Please take out your laptops and mobile phone and put it in this tray.
Passenger : Alright.
Guard : You can proceed to the security check. Please remember to collect your items after the check.
Passenger : Thank you, I will.
At the security check
Guard : Please empty your pockets and put the contents in the tray, and hand me your boarding pass.
Passenger : Sure.
Guard : Please raise your hands and keep them raised while I inspect you.
Passenger : No problems.
Guard : Okay, you're cleared to go. Here's your boarding pass.
Passenger : Thank you.
Airport English

Tip: Print these and keep them as a “cheat sheet” in your carry-on luggage.
Questions you will hear at the check-in counter:
Ticket please.
May I see your ticket?
Do you have an e-ticket?
Do you have some photo ID?
How many bags are you checking?
Did you pack these bags yourself?
Do you have a carry-on bag? (a bag or purse to take on the airplane)
Do you require special assistance? (example a “wheelchair”)
Have you paid your airport improvement fee/tax?
Would you like a window or an aisle seat? (aisle is pronounced “eye + l”)
Problems you may hear:
Your baggage is overweight. (Remove some contents or pay a fine.)
Your carry-on luggage is too large.
Your flight is delayed. (It’s late.)
Your flight has been cancelled. (You must rebook a new flight)
Your connecting flight/connection has been cancelled/is delayed.
Your ticket is expired.
Your passport is expired.

Boarding pass, please.
ID please. (show your photo ID)
Spread your arms out please. (Put your arms up and out to the sides of your body)
Take your shoes off.
Open your bag.
Take off/remove your belt.
Do you have any change in your pockets?
Do you have any metals?
Do you have any food/produce?
Do you have any liquids or medicine?
Walk through.
You must dump all food or beverages. (You can’t bring it through the gates.)
Questions YOU may need to ask:
Is my flight on time?
When should I be at the gate?
Where is the boarding gate?
Where is the washroom?
Can I get a window seat?
Is there somewhere to eat?
Can I get a coffee at the gate?
Is my connection on time?
Where do I collect my baggage?
Where can I find a taxi?
Where is the departure gate?
Where is the arrival gate?
Where is the check-in desk for ….airlines?
Where is the domestics level?
Where is the international level?
More Airline Vocabulary
Practise Checking-in
cheat sheet: a small piece of paper with answers or hints that you have with you
departures: flights that are leaving this airport
arrivals: flights that are landing at this airport
e-ticket: a ticket you purchased online and printed from your computer
aisle seat: a seat next to the long walking path on the plane
boarding pass: the ticket you give at the gates (has your seat number)
belt: clothing item that holds up pants (sets off metal detector)
metals: items such as jewellery, coins, belt buckles, knives, keys
liquids: beverages
expired: no longer useful (the date has passed)
check-in: show your ticket and ID and hand in your baggage
connection: the point where your plane lands and you must catch another plane
domestic: in the same country as the airport
international: in a different country than the airport
Going through Security
Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and put your mobile phone and all electronic devices in the bin.
Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Yes, you do. Please take off your jacket, too.
Ramona walks through the metal detector.
Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets - keys, cell phone, loose change?
I don't think so. Let me try taking off my belt.
Okay, come on through.

Airplanes - Aviation - Aircraft
Please lay your bags flat on the conveyor belt, and put your mobile phone and all electronic devices in the bin.
Do I need to take my laptop out of the bag?
Yes, you do. Please take off your jacket, too.
Ramona walks through the metal detector.
Please step back. Do you have anything in your pockets - keys, cell phone, loose change?
I don't think so. Let me try taking off my belt.
Okay, come on through.

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